Alt-F4 #40 - 向慈善曲速前进 2021-07-02
翻译 Ph.X
经过半故意的两周仲夏休刊,Alt-F4 带着第 40 期中光荣回归。本期中,最受粉丝们喜爱的编辑 stringweasel 又做了一期 Nauvis 相关的采访,即全新的一期 Nauvis 有约。这一次,他采访了 Franqly,一位将首次代表异星工厂参加夏季游戏速通大会慈善活动的速通玩家。活动详情参见本期末尾!
Nauvis 有约:Franqly stringweasel
世界上最快的异星工厂单人速通玩家——截至撰稿时——是一位名叫 Franqly 的新玩家。他是最近才加入异星工厂速通社区的,自去年 10 月于 speedrun.com上发表了其首个速通成绩算起。然而现在他已经超过了 AntiElitz 和 Nefrums 等传奇人物,并且是唯一一个在 90 分钟内单人打通异星工厂的玩家。在你看蜜蜂总动员的时间内,他可以完成从坠落在 Nauvis 到发射火箭的所有工作。
因此,Franqly 最近由夏季游戏速通大会简称 SGDQ 录取,将参加于 2021 年 7 月 4 日至 11 日举行的活动。该活动是一场大规模的年度速通马拉松,展示了超过 140 种不同的通关流程。速通界的各种大人物,如 TheMexicanRunner 和 mitchflowerpower 都会参加。这也是为了一个伟大而崇高的事业!这场马拉松的目标是为无国界医生组织筹集资金,是其在全世界范围内最大的筹款活动!被 SGDQ 录取也是不小的成就——今年该活动收到了近 2000 份申请,其中只有约 150 人获选参加。异星工厂高玩们曾在过去提交了他们的速通流程,希望加入这一盛况,但由于异星工厂尚未“正式发行”而被拒绝了。
目前,Franqly 是“Any%”速通类别的王者。这个类别的规则很简单:只靠自己发射火箭就算通关。你可以自由改变地图生成器的设置,包括启用和平模式以及使用特定的地图种子。不允许导入蓝图,但你可以使用在通关过程中创建的蓝图。其余的都可由你自我发挥。
在 90 分钟内通关异星工厂可不轻松。“今天搞定,不要加班!”的成就要求你在 8 小时 内通关游戏不是没原因的。这也是速通中为数不多没有可利用 Bug 的游戏之一! 相反,工厂需要设计和建造得完美,一面可能快地进行研究,另一面还要尽可能快地扩大生产,然后以更快的速度进行研究——所有这些都是为了在最短的时间内发射火箭。速通玩家经常会花费数百个小时来设计和微调他们的工厂,以保持这种研究和扩张的微妙平衡。幸运的是,传奇速通玩家 Nefrums 为社区创建了一个初学者指南,讲解如何设计这样的一个基地。Nefrums 在社区中扮演着重要角色,一些顶级的速通玩家甚至在自己的流程中使用了 Nefrums 个人的基地设计。
Franqly 是谁
现在,Franqly 到底是谁呢?在很长一段时间里,速通领域由 AntiElitz、Nefrums 和 Phoenix27833 等名字所主导——这只是部分例子。然而,Franqly 很快就出现了,通过练习和专注,他成为了最好的选手之一。我联系了他,向他询问了一些关于他在异星工厂中的时光,以及他是如何在只速通了几次塞尔达传说:时之笛
没有具体的人。我不太记得我是怎么发现它的,但可能是我看到有人在 Twitch 上玩。说实话我觉得它看起来很烂,但这个概念很感有趣。过了几个月,我在 Steam 上看到它。它的 0.12 [版本]看起来好多了,于是我决定买一份。在开始速通挑战之前,我大约玩了 1500 小时。[现在]大约有 2200 [小时]。
No one specific. I can’t quite remember how I found it, but I probably saw someone playing on twitch. I thought it looked like s**t tbh, but was interested in the concept. Then a few months after, I saw it on steam. It looked much better with [version] 0.12, and decided to pick it up. I had about 1500 hours before starting to speedrun. [I am at] about 2200 [hours] now.
— Franqly
我是最近才开始速通的,大约从去年 8 月起。过去我也曾考虑过这个问题,因为我断断续续看了过 Anti 的视频。Nefrums 编写了一份速通指南,这给了我尝试的动力。我愿向任何想尝试异星工厂速通的人推荐那份指南。我认为 Nef 是社区中最像导师的人,不过在 Discord 和 Twitch 中聊天的每个人都会提出建议和策略想法,都有助我快速提高成绩。
I started relatively recently, about August last year. I had contemplated it in the past, as I had watched Anti’s streams off and on for a while. Nefrums created an introduction to speedrunning guide, and that gave me the push to try it. I’d recommend that guide to anyone thinking about trying out factorio speedrunning. I would consider Nef the most mentor-like person in the community for me, but everyone in the Discord and on Twitch chat chimes in with advice and strategy ideas, and that helped me come up to speed very quickly.
— Franqly
我认为我与 Anti、Nef 和其他有实力的速通玩家和计划者不同的是,我从未自己设计过一个基地,我没有被任何最初的概念所束缚,即流程应该是什么,它是为了什么而设计的。不幸的是,我不具备设计一个如我所执行的速通流程所需的创造性或智力水平。但我可以很好地分析,找出微优化方案,至少对我自己的游戏风格而言的优化。我也会在短时间内以一种非常磨人的方式练习所有的细节,这让我有着非常稳定的流程,不犯任何错误。
I think what sets me apart from anti, nef, and other talented runners and planners is having never designed a base myself, I’m not tied to any initial concept of what the run is suppose to be, what it specifically was designed for. Unfortunately, I don’t have the creative or intellectual ability to design a run like I can perform. But I can analyze well, and I can figure out micro optimizations, at least for my own play-style. I also practice all the details in short segments, in a very grindy fashion, and that let’s me have very consistent runs with little to no mistakes.
— Franqly
我不确定。我知道我所有的练习都是在下播后进行的,我想大多数速通玩家都是如此。如果让我猜的话,没错,确实如此。过去一年间我在待业,这给了我很多时间。现在我的工作时间是每周 56 小时。社区里的大多数人都有全职工作。
I can’t say for sure. I know I do all my practicing offstream, as I think most speedrunners do. If I had to guess, yes that would be the case. I’ve been in between work this last year and it gave me a lot of time. Now I’m at 56hr/week. Most others in the community have full time jobs.
— Franqly
最难的部分恰恰是我回避的部分,即从头到尾的建造设计。我绝对是站在巨人的肩膀上,特别是 Nefrums,因为我们目前都用的流程设计。我对以这种方式速通游戏相当犹豫,但我并没有收到来自社区其他人的反对,Nefrums 也完全接受并给予了很大的帮助,当然我也不希望是单行道,所以我也试着用我优势的方面做出贡献。与其他游戏相比,异星工厂真正与众不同的地方在于,每一个行动都会对接下来的流程产生连锁反应。基本上不可能在与其他任何流程相同的条件下发射火箭。在以关卡为基础的游戏中,一般来说,每个环节每次都会有相同的发挥。我认为有点像 RPG 游戏速通流程的早期行动对整个游戏的影响,但即使如此,一般也会制定战略来重新同步进度或使用有限的替代方案。
The hardest part is the part I avoid, the design of the build from beginning to end. I absolutely have stood on the shoulders of giants, in particular Nefrums for the current design we both run. I was pretty hesitant to approach speedrunning the game in this way, but I haven’t really received backlash from others in the community, and Nefrums has been completely on board and very helpful, and of course I didn’t want a one-way street, so I’ve tried contributing in ways that use my strengths. Compared to other games, what really stands Factorio apart is that every single action has a ripple effect to the rest of the run. It is basically impossible to launch the rocket under the same conditions as any other run. In level based games, generally each segment will play the same everytime. I can think of RPG speedruns being kind of on the level of early actions having effects throughout, but even then generally strategies are made to resync progress or adapt to a limited number of alternatives.
— Franqly
与塞尔达完全不同!几乎在每个层面上都不同。我想说的是,我学会了如何有效地锻炼,这一点转化得很好。我从来都不擅长时之笛,但我真的很喜欢它。我还不太认真地涉足了其他一些游戏,包括超级马力欧 64、超级密特罗德、超级马力欧阳光、空洞骑士和蔚蓝。
Completely different to Zelda! Pretty much on every level. I will say, I learned how to grind practice effectively, and that translated well. I was never all that good at Ocarina of Time, but I really enjoyed it all the same. I’ve dabbled in a few other games less seriously, including SM64, Super Metroid, SM Sunshine, Hollow Knight, and Celeste.
— Franqly
我最喜欢的部分是技术的进步,在某些方面变得更好的感觉。在提高技能的过程中“碰壁”之后,就很难保持挑战速通的动力,而且也不那么令人愉快。我发现定期休息 1-2 周对于预防进入厌倦的状态是非常有益的,来保持长期的愉悦状态。
My favorite part is the progression of skill, feelings of getting better at something. Speedrunning becomes very difficult to maintain motivation for after “hitting a wall” with improving your skills, and much less enjoyable. I’ve found taking regular 1-2 week breaks has been very beneficial to not reach a level of burnout, so it continues to be enjoyable longterm.
— Franqly
当我指定了一个计划并加以练习时,我几乎是与异星工厂一起生活、吃饭、呼吸、睡觉。我以 2-3 分钟为单位进行分段练习,一遍又一遍,尝试不同的移动路线或建造放置顺序,直到我达到我满意的程度,并能保持这个速度。在速通流程中,我会在心里记下不顺利的环节,以后再磨练这些环节。用这种方法我迅速提高我的通关时间。有了适当的空闲时间、决心、对游戏的熟悉程度和一般的游戏技巧,我能够在大约 5-6 个月内达到世界纪录。
I pretty much live, eat, breathe, sleep with Factorio when I’ve learned a plan and practice it. I do segmented practice in 2-3 minute chunks, over and over, trying out different movement routes or building placement order until I arrive at something I’m comfortable with and can consistently do fast. While doing runs, I make mental note of segments that didn’t go well, and later grind those again. I began improving my times rapidly with this approach. With the right amount of free time, determination, familiarity with the game, and general gaming skill, I was able to achieve the world record in about 5-6 months.
— Franqly
你为什么决定向 SGDQ 投稿?收到录取“通知书”时你兴奋吗?
我有关注 GDQ 好几年了。没想到真能被录取,所以这是个相当大的惊喜!我很乐意向更多的人展示异星工厂。我当初只是想,管他呢,先申请下试试。
I’ve been watching gdqs for years. I wasn’t really expecting to get in, so it was quite a surprise! I’m very happy to be able to showcase factorio to a larger audience. I just thought, what the hell, may as well apply.
— Franqly
最近没有。几个月前我尝试了 Pyanodons 合集,被压得喘不过气来,就把它搁置了。在这一点上,原版游戏对我来说绝对已经“被玷污了”,但我认为对于大多数在游戏中花掉 2000 小时以上的玩家来说也是如此。我们再也无法获得那种初见体验了。我会玩其他游戏来放松。
Not recently, no. I tried Pyanodons suite a few months ago, got overwhelmed and shelved it. The base game is definitely “tainted” for me at this point, but I think that is true for most players that have 2k+ hours in the game. We can never get that first play-through experience again. I play other games to relax.
— Franqly
你还喜欢玩什么游戏?我看到你最近有玩 Satisfactory?
对,在玩戴森球计划,以及 Satisfactory 都很棒,我强烈推荐喜欢异星工厂的人玩玩这两个。我过去玩过诸多类型的游戏,多到无法列举。近年来,我专注于对战略游戏。欧陆风云 4、杀戮尖塔、星际争霸 2 和皇舆争霸都是我最近玩过的游戏。它们解决了不同的痛点。我玩过很长时间的魔兽世界和英雄联盟。太多时间了,笑。
Yeah, Dyson Sphere currently, and Satisfactory are both great and I highly recommend both for those that enjoy factorio. I have played a very wide range of genres in the past, too many to list. In recent years I’ve really narrowed my focus to strategy games. Eu4, Slay the Spire, SC2, and Dominion are also recent games I’ve played. They address different itches. I played copious amounts of WoW and later LoL. Too much time, lol.
— Franqly
你是如何看待异星工厂速通社区的?看起来 AntiElitz 和 Nefrums 创造了一个具有伟大运动精神的社区,在这里,速通玩家间是相互竞争的,但仍会庆祝他人的成就。
正如我之前提到的,在加入之前,我已经断断续续看了好几年 anti 的直播了。我认为我们的社区很好!个性和背景的良好组合,富有合作精神。它没有过度的竞争,但足以鼓励成长。我个人并不沉浸其中,但我确实喜欢偶尔来讨论一下。
As I mentioned before, I had watched anti stream off and on for a fews years before joining. I think our community is great! Good mix of personality and backgrounds with a spirit of cooperation. It’s not overly competitive, but enough so it encourage growth. I’m not personally super intwined in goings on, but I do enjoy popping in for some discussion once in a while.
— Franqly
你喜欢看其他主播吗?如果是的话,你目前最关注的是谁?其他参加 SGDQ 的人呢?
我以前在 Twitch 上观看的时间比现在要多得多。那时我一直在看 Arumba、Zoast、Cheese 和其他一些人。我最期待的是 GDQ 的超级密特罗德,这是一个老东西,但也是一个好东西。
I used to watch on Twitch a lot more than I do now. When I do, I’ve been watching Arumba, Zoast, Cheese, and a few others. I’m most excited for Super Metroid at GDQ, oldie but a goodie.
— Franqly
I enjoy spending time with my wife. We watch shows, go on local walks or drive out to scenic hiking spots. Nothing too crazy, my life is pretty chill atm. Looking forward to having kids, which we’re delaying until we have a house. Saving as much as we can. Housing market is ridiculous though.
— Franqly
我们都非常高兴看到 Franqly 代表异星工厂参加这场伟大的活动!他非常努力花了无数的时间来实现这个惊人的目标。希望这将是我们最爱的工厂建设游戏首次登上主舞台!
我们邀请大家来一起支持 Franqly!他将与 AntiElitz 和 Thue 一起直播,而 XenoCyber 将为我们解说 Franqly 的操作。他将于北京时间 7 月 9 日星期五晚上 10:18 在 GDQ Twitch 频道进行直播。
在我们的 Alt-F4 Discord 和 异星工厂 Discord 中,也可能会有人来观看速通流程。因此,擦擦你的 Twitch 表情,准备好你的连珠妙语,并将你的 Zoom 会议静音。我们将观看 Franqly 向世界展示异星工厂是如何速通的!
一如既往的,我们正在召集任何想要为 Alt-F4 做出贡献的人,无论是提交文章还是帮助翻译都可以。如果您有些有趣的想法,并乐于与社区分享,这里就是一个好地方。如果您没有太大把握,我们会很乐意帮助您讨论内容创意和结构问题。如果您有意参与,从加入 Discord 开始吧!